Excellence requires a strong foundation
Our three pillar approach provides a solution to the EMS Enterprise’s need to unify institutional knowledge cultivated by EMSO experts
The RVJ Institute is built on three pillars:
EMSO Knowledge Hub
The full-text searchable, taxonomized, Knowledge Hub is available to the entire EMS enterprise to support requests for information, education, and scholarly research. Populated with prior studies, trade industry journal articles, blogs, unclassified papers, interviews, conference proceedings and technical research papers, the Knowledge Hub significantly reduces new research project start-up time & offers a one-stop-shop to those looking for the latest EMSO related information. Upon receipt of additional sponsorship, the Institute plans to offer a classified Knowledge Hub to those who are cleared and have a need to know.
Cadre of EMSO Experts
The Cadre of Experts is comprised of individuals hand-selected from the global EMSO enterprise. Their skills, experience, and contact information is catalogued in a searchable database in order to find the right specialists to answer pressing questions, perform peer-reviews for academic dissertations, or perform scientific and operational research. Our Experts have vast recognition across the enterprise for competence, commitment, and insight and are available for professional services upon request to the Institute. Experts are compensated for their time through sponsorships and financial contributions to the Institute.
Scholarly Research
The Institute’s Cadre of Experts provide the highest level of unbiased contributions to research and publications in order to create an erudite body of institutionalized knowledge infused with rigor and integrity to advance the art and science of EMSO. New insights are borne out of an academic conceptual framework for EMSO, rather than “current events” or “questions du jour.” As reports are published, these works are indexed and catalogued into the Institute’s Knowledge Hub. The body of knowledge that ensues is cross-discipline, international, cross-industrial, and scientific, serving to inform an evolved enterprise.