Help us continue to secure and create EMSO knowledge

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Advanced EMSO Research Made Simple

The RVJ Institute is a not-for-profit center of excellence that garners revenue through sponsorships and donations, by contract vehicle, government grants and by providing research services through its experts. The Institute is seeking premier sponsors to expand the knowledge repository and to perform research studies.

Return on “investment”

While a not-for-profit institute isn’t designed to offer a return on investment per se, it is prudent to mention ways in which a philanthropic investment in RVJ Institute – such as a donation, grant, charitable contribution or premier sponsorship – will return measurable rewards, some of which are described below:

RVJ Institute will…

  • Help you meet your company’s Corporate Social Responsibility metrics to small business and not-for-profit entities
  • Include your company logo on any and all advertising or promotional material where the Institute is making an appearance
  • Support any reasonable request for EMSO studies to promote market analysis, trend identification, investment opportunities, capability gaps, and scientific research
  • Make available its Cadre of Experts who are increasing in demand, who today are very hard to come by and are dwindling fast through retirement and redirection of careers
  • Stand up a classified Knowledge Hub that will be indexed and searchable to discover sources on nearly every topic of interest within the electromagnetic realm.
  • Leverage its credibility, reputation, and integrity on all projects, guaranteeing reliable and unbiased results
  • Contribute to the enhancement of the EMSO profession, promoting a viable workforce for the future
  • Serve as connective tissue to all key players within the EMS enterprise, and assist in the accomplishment of the vision, “Freedom of Action within the EMS”
  • Expose the art of the possible, opening doors for new business opportunities, academic majors, and jobs
  • Make visible that which is inherently invisible: the electromagnetic spectrum
  • Bring vital respect for operating in the EMS and imbue a functioning culture to this critical field of study


RVJ Institute is a not-for-profit research center. An investment to the RVJ Institute will promote corporate social responsibility and will be recorded as a charitable contribution. A donation will also promote your company’s commitment to further the art and science of excellence within EMS Operations. Sponsorship and donations to RVJ Institute will be advertised on the RVJ Institute website and other social media venues. Corporate and government agencies who make contributions will be branded as dedicated partners of the Institute. Messaging can be mutually agreed upon to preserve corporate or agency branding.

Contributions to the RVJ Institute fulfills large business and agency obligations to support small businesses, and are extremely appreciated.

Provide a Dedicated Resource for This Multi-disciplinary, Evolving Challenge Area

Swim Lanes is a metaphor being used to keep businesses on track and focused on their missions. RVJ Institute will serve as the ‘swimming pool’ for its partners’ EMSO swim lanes. The Institute will manage spectrum challenges so that companies don’t have to dedicate resources to manage those challenges. The truth is, EMS Superiority is too big for any one entity to take on, so RVJ Institute will be poised to take on the big and challenging assignments by remaining committed to its singular vision.

Promote Cross-discipline Collaboration

RVJ Institute will take on the difficult assignment of assembling people from multiple areas to come together to facilitate discussions. Sometimes, discussions among disparate members can result in stalemates or serving self-interest, but people coming together under the banner of EMS Superiority will set natural boundary conditions for talks and inspire people to look for neutral, unbiased solutions. RVJ Institute will be answering germane questions from senior leadership across the spectrum and all investors will benefit from those answers. As RVJ Institute grows in assignments, it will become a trusted source for neutral advice on trends and future plans.

Generate Economies of Scale

Among RVJ Institute’s products and services will be advice on government requirements (or actually writing them if they are so tasked by the DoD). The Institute will be poised to share trends associated with those requirements to help companies make good decisions for investment. RVJ Institute will be enabled by investments from multiple companies, thereby spreading the cost of developing its products and services. RVJ Institute will have reach back and traceability, thereby reducing waste and duplication of effort. RVJ Institute will serve as a proactive, pre-emptive provider of EMSO solutions in an era of conflicting priorities and challenged budgets. In this way, the community will not have to come from behind to correct for inevitable insufficiencies in the EMS.

Are you an EMSO Expert? Consider Joining Us

If you would like to speak further about sponsoring The Institute, please fill out the form and one of our staff will get back to you in a timely manner. Every gift provides a resource to promote excellence and create a vibrant future for EMSO knowledge & scholarly research.